Unit 27, 111 Florijnrwe, Maastricht, Netherlands 6218CA.
www.hortonguns.com info@hortonguns.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)121 369 1855
Tel: +44 (0)121 369 1855
MENU📅 16th November 2023 | General Gun Posts
As a business, we’ve publicised extensively the difficulty of employing foreign workers in the UK. Why do we need Foreign workers in the UK? Simple, there us no gunsmithing school or qualification in the UK, if you want an accountant you don’t recruit from the local ballet school, do you? Added to that we have a number of increasingly frustrated customers who wish to get their gun to the UK for repair. This, we must point out is only the inability of this government to implement Brexit, in no way does it benefit anyone but the purse of the UK government.
Well, out of adversity comes opportunity, we are proud to announce we have set up shop in Maastricht (45 minutes from Liege, Belgium) and firmly in the European union. So if you are in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden and need a gunsmith we can help.
In Maastricht we have probably the best gunsmith/maker to come out of the Netherlands, Mr Roelof Lucas (pictured with our own Andre Kesler). Trained at the Austrian gun making school in Ferlach, Mr Lucas has worked for some great names in the industry and was the production manager for Auguste Francotte where he made more than 150 double rifles that were sold under the name of William Douglas. Latterly, he was a senior tutor at the Liege school of gunmaking, of which our own Andre Kesler is a product of.
If you wish to contact us on the continent, please dial +31 43 569 0040 or visit our gunsmithing services page to see a snippet of the services we offer.
Tags: belgian, dutch, english, Gunsmith, maastrict
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I got an Arrisabalaga( i believe) wrich is badly regulated – right barrel pointing inward point of impact 1 foot to the left at 20 yards.
how much for regulating- new top rib rebluing.
It will have to go in an oven -taken apart and rejoined
We’d have to see the gun to give you a price. Can you get it to Maastricht?