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The Adventurer

The Adventurer is our platform to vent, review, educate and inform. We have an opinion and love nothing more than to share it, we'll also invite some friends and colleagues to contribute from time to time. Our blog is named 'The Adventurer' is subjective and we'll cover a wide range of topics that any keen sportsman and all-round good chap will find interesting and informative. From explaining the idiosyncrasies and terminology used in the trade, reviewing some of the guns, rods and reels we either refurbish, repair or manufacture to comical stories from the trade, field and riverbank. We hope you enjoy the content, feel free to leave comments.

Lead shot ban, pah! Old news

Lead shot ban, pah! Old news

Horton & Sons have been testing and investigating many different ways to solve the lead shot alternative conundrum enforced upon us. One such method involved molecularly changing the elements that...
Gold, Goats and Guns

Gold, Goats and Guns

It's official, the world has gone mad! Regardless of whether you are a so called conspiracy theorist or truly believe what the mainstream media serves up to you. There is no denying, the world we live...
The Adventures of Giles Tommly-Horton, Volume 4, Swiss Roll

The Adventures of Giles Tommly-Horton, Volume 4, Swiss Roll

The Adventures of Giles Tommly-HortonVolume FourSwiss RollNo.1 Berkeley Square, London, W1, England, January 15, 2023This last month was a jolly strange affair. I got wind of a thoroughly ...
Adventurer series - Jack Mytton

Adventurer series - Jack Mytton

The archetypal wicked squire turns up in many a racy yarn by writers such as Catherine Cookson. The heyday of these hard-riding, hard-drinking hunting characters was the 18th and 19th centuries and th...
The Adventures of Giles Tommly-Horton, Volume 3, Saving Christmas

The Adventures of Giles Tommly-Horton, Volume 3, Saving Christmas

The Adventures of Giles Tommly-Horton Volume ThreeSaving ChristmasNo.1 Berkeley Square, London, W1, England, December 24, 2021Being rudely interrupted from my favourite re-run episode of Aga...
Skilled worker shortage hits all sectors, so we move to where the labour is.

Skilled worker shortage hits all sectors, so we move to where the labour is.

If you follow us on social media, you will know we had planned to bring two more people over to the UK from the highly regarded Lieg gun making school in Belgium. Well after 4 months of wrangling wit...
The Adventures of Giles Tommly-Horton, Volume 2, The Twisted Horn

The Adventures of Giles Tommly-Horton, Volume 2, The Twisted Horn

Placing another log on the fire, I carry on from where I left off on the front page of the Times.Stolen, it reads, The twisted horn from the last living, Passive, clobbed Foot, Sabre Tooth...
Gunsmith Apprentice required - Apply now!

Gunsmith Apprentice required - Apply now!

A great opportunity to learn the art of gunsmithing at our premises in Birmingham. Full training given including day release to obtain an engineering qualification. To apply, you require a minimum of ...