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The Adventurer

The Adventurer is our platform to vent, review, educate and inform. We have an opinion and love nothing more than to share it, we'll also invite some friends and colleagues to contribute from time to time. Our blog is named 'The Adventurer' is subjective and we'll cover a wide range of topics that any keen sportsman and all-round good chap will find interesting and informative. From explaining the idiosyncrasies and terminology used in the trade, reviewing some of the guns, rods and reels we either refurbish, repair or manufacture to comical stories from the trade, field and riverbank. We hope you enjoy the content, feel free to leave comments.

Zoli custom expedition

Zoli custom expedition

Here we have another custom Zoli ready for the customer to collect, made to his measurements. This sweet little 28 gauge features 30 barrels in custom matt black with select walnut which I'm sure you...
Best of British service rifles, really?

Best of British service rifles, really?

Most of you will have either held or seen a Lee-Enfield rifle. However many people often incorrectly assume that the rifle is of British design, when it is actually an American design. This inadverten...
Gun Insurance offer

Gun Insurance offer

W Horton & Sons are pleased to offer you a 10% discount on a unique insurance policy that will cover your gun when your home insurance in many cases won't. In addition to that you get free 60 days...
The effect of Brexit on the shooting industry

The effect of Brexit on the shooting industry

Oh for pity sake, it's that dreaded 'B' word that must be the most used word in the UK since the referendum. Regardless of which side of the fence your political views fall, you like us, must be sick ...
George Hoenig 28 gauge

George Hoenig 28 gauge

We store several guns for clients. One of our favourite guns is the George Hoenig 28 gauge (one of only two ever made). It is a true masterpiece of engineering and completely unique and to get one you...
The origins of the over and under

The origins of the over and under

As the title of the post suggests, this short article is about the origins and evolution of the over and under shotgun, I'm not about to start crediting one maker over another for the invention. Howev...
The origins of the straight pull rifle

The origins of the straight pull rifle

Most marketing campaigns will always profess that a design is Brand New and State of the Art, in some cases this is true. However in the case of concept of the straight pull rifle, the idea has be...
How to grade wood on shotguns and rifles

How to grade wood on shotguns and rifles

In June 2018 we posted a short piece on our Chapuis shotgun site about how to grade wood on shotguns. For most people, they like the aesthetics of a nice piece of walnut on any shotgun. You can have a...