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📅 11th February 2023 | General Gun Posts
It’s official, the world has gone mad! Regardless of whether you are a so called conspiracy theorist or truly believe what the mainstream media serves up to you. There is no denying, the world we live in post the COVID era has changed our day to day lives and in many cases cocked up peoples financial plans.
Rampant inflation, which is quite handy if you’re a government who has borrowed a quarter of the countries annual gross domestic product in the attempt to dodge a coronavirus (medical term for a respiratory cold), what better way to pay your debt off? Easy, make it worth less than what you borrowed. However, like most things, what is good for one isn’t always good for another. So like many people, if you have one eye on retirement, the current economic climate really throws a stick in the spokes of your plans.
So what has that got to do with the title of this blog post? Well, if you have enough money to have a blended portfolio of wealth, why would you buy a gun? Yes, it would come in handy if you have to kill your goat to eat it, but if you buy right it is a fantastic long term investment. When someone posts a picture on social media of a ‘best’ gun in ridiculously small bore which has a price tag in excess of 6 digits, you read the comments ‘You can’t hit anything with that’, ‘A Turkish mass produced XYZ in 12 Gauge at 1% of the price is better value’. These people, completely miss the point of a ‘best’ gun. There are two types of ‘best’ gun in my mind, there is the ‘best’ gun where it is intended to be used 20 days a season and then there is the ‘best best’ gun that will rarely be shot.
A good friend and fellow ‘brummie’, Gary Clark who was the production manager for Boss & Co for a considerable time has a perfect example of the ‘best best’ gun. At sometime, in the late noughties an American gentleman entered the Boss & Co shop in Mount street with a shopping list for a pair of .410 o/u’s with single triggers. When he was asked what engraving, stock dimensions and chokes he wanted the guns built with, his reply of ‘No idea, I don’t shoot’ puzzled Gary, ‘what??’, ‘My investment guy said I should buy a pair like this’. Well those same guns went on sale 15 years later in the US and were sold at nearly double the price. He actually hasn’t made any money in relative terms, but what he has done is protect the value of his money like no bank account can do, let me explain;
£100,000 in 2005 is equivalent in purchasing power to about £191,040.74 today, an increase of £91,040.74 over 18 years. The pound had an average inflation rate of 3.66% per year between 2005 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 91.04%. This means that today’s prices are 1.91 times as high as average prices since 2005, according to the Office for National Statistics composite price index. A pound today only buys 52.345% of what it could buy back then. The inflation rate in 2005 was 2.82%. The current inflation rate compared to last year is now 10.70%. If this number holds, £100,000 today will be equivalent in buying power to £110,700.00 next year. So in real stark terms, if you have £100k stuffed in the mattress today, it will be worth c£90k in real terms next year.
It is for this reason, that we have seen a massive influx of enquiries for our remanufactured guns as well as our own guns. Unlike gold and other precious metals, which fluctuate in worth. The ‘best best’ gun is one of the safest places to put your money, get it? What would you class as a ‘best’ gun and what would you class as a ‘best best’ gun.
Tags: best, boss, goats, gold, gun, guns, investment, Shotgun
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