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George Hoenig 28 gauge

We store several guns for clients. One of our favourite guns is the George Hoenig 28 gauge (one of only two ever made). It is a true masterpiece of engineering and completely unique and to get one you have to patient and wait 5 years. The video below shows how the action works, meant to be a rifle more than shotgun really, so no ejectors. The gun we have has never been fired and was bought as a collectors piece, he may let it go for the right money. Offers around £19,000 are invited. If you’d prefer something a little more ‘normal’ then check out our Gunroom or if you’d just like to watch some videos then visit our video page or indeed read our blog, ‘Perfect Gun‘.


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  • Alec Swan says:

    Rarely if ever, would I say this, but that is up with the Gods – John Robertson and Frederick Beesley would have embraced both the maker, and the design.
    There are 10 firearms of varying types and design that are placed on a dais – this is amongst them.